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All You Need to Know About Orthodontic Options at Chatswood Dental Associates

smiling lady long hairA straight and beautiful smile is undoubtedly one of the best accessories anyone can possess. If you want to align your smile, you no longer have to resort to traditional metal braces. While Invisalign is the most popular type of “invisible” braces, other aligner brands get outstanding results when it comes to function, aesthetics and outcomes.

At Chatswood Dental Associates, we offer several high-quality clear aligner options allowing you to straighten your smile discreetly and comfortably. Here’s a look at each:

Angel Aligner – Practically invisible, these clear orthodontic devices gently move teeth into the desired position over time. Angel aligners should be worn for at least 20 hours a day and can be removed for eating and cleaning your teeth.

ClearCorrect – Offering an aesthetic alternative to conventional braces, ClearCorrect uses transparent, custom-made trays that gradually align teeth. As these aligners are also removable, you can eat whatever you want. Practising good oral hygiene is also much easier.

Truline – Considered an affordable orthodontic option, Truline clear aligners allow the wearer to straighten their smile discreetly. These virtually invisible aligners are also durable and can be removed for eating and maintaining oral hygiene.

Myofunctional Appliances for Kids

Myofunctional appliances significantly benefit children, particularly in addressing early dental and facial development issues that might otherwise require braces later. These appliances are designed to correct poor oral habits, such as thumb sucking and incorrect tongue positioning, which can influence the growth patterns of the jaws and teeth alignment.

By guiding the development of the jaw and helping to align the teeth naturally, myofunctional appliances enhance facial aesthetics and improve overall oral function. Worn preventatively, these devices could lead to significant improvements in dental structure, potentially reducing or even eliminating the need for braces in the future.

Schedule a Consultation

If you’d like to learn more about our orthodontic options and which one may benefit you or a family member, contact us today to book a consultation.

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